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Acupuncture As A Treatment For Eczema: Can It Be Effective?

Treatment for eczema often involves avoiding trigger factors, moisturisers, prescription medications, such as oral antihistamines, and topical steroids to prevent flare-ups, as there is no known cause or cure for this skin disorder.

Skin & Aesthetics


Published on 5 Sep 2024


By Thomson Team

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Treatment for eczema often involves avoiding trigger factors, moisturisers, prescription medications, such as oral antihistamines, and topical steroids to prevent flare-ups, as there is no known cause or cure for this skin disorder. However, unlike Western medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) adopts a different view of what contributes to eczema. TCM believes that this skin disorder manifests due to deficiencies in the kidney, liver, and spleen accompanied by a combination of dampness, heat, and wind.

For instance, dampness in the spleen caused by an unhealthy diet can contribute to painful blisters manifesting in those with eczema. Meanwhile, internal heat can cause eczema symptoms to worsen, whereas deficiencies in the kidney exacerbate skin dryness, inflammation, and itching. Due to how TCM views eczema, TCM practitioners believe a holistic treatment approach is ideal for managing and treating the skin condition. Part of this approach involves acupuncture.

Learn More: TCM’s Role In Relieving Eczema Symptoms


Benefits Of Acupuncture For Treating Eczema

By targeting these specific acupoints, acupuncture can relieve skin dryness and itchiness and reduce the area affected by eczema, thus improving the patient’s quality of life. Since acupuncture therapy has been demonstrated to reduce anxiety and stress, which are closely linked to eczema flare-ups, it can also help mitigate eczema symptoms.

Moreover, this practice can help mend the skin barrier, the outer part of the skin designed to protect the body. As this part of the body is generally weaker in eczema patients than those without the condition, they can also benefit from acupuncture helping to repair damage to their skin barrier.

How Is Acupuncture Used To Treat Eczema?

According to TCM, proper qi flow is essential in keeping the body healthy and balanced. Any disruption to the qi flow, including blocked, deficient, or overactive qi, can interrupt this balance, resulting in pain and illness. Acupuncture treatment is believed to activate or release blocked qi, thus stimulating the body’s natural healing response.

During treatment, a TCM practitioner will insert thin needles into the patient’s body to release blockages that could be contributing to the eczema symptoms. These needles must be placed at specific points, known as acupoints, to match the meridians (the pathways through which qi flows) effectively.

However, it is essential to note that acupuncture focuses on treating and balancing the whole body rather than targeting specific conditions, organs, or symptoms. That is why it is often used in conjunction with other forms of treatment to relieve eczema symptoms, tying into TCM’s view of treating this skin disorder holistically.


Acupuncture Pressure Points In Eczema Treatment

During acupuncture treatment for eczema relief, a TCM practitioner will place the needles at specific pressure points in the body associated with relieving the condition. They include:


1. Large Intestine 4 (LI4)

Located at the base of the index finger and thumb, LI4 has been shown to help strengthen immunity, relieve pain, and treat allergies. Targeting this pressure point helps clear heat, reducing inflammation and redness in eczema. It also expels wind and releases the exterior, which can be beneficial for acute flare-ups of eczema.


2. Large Intestine 11 (LI11)

LI11 (located on the outer end of the elbow crease) may reduce dryness and itchiness in the skin. It may also boost immunity, clear heat, and reduce inflammation. Targeting this pressure point clears excess heat from the body, which often manifests as redness and inflammation in eczema. In addition, it dispels wind pathogens, which according to TCM can exacerbate itching and flare-ups of skin conditions like eczema.


3. Liver 3 (LV3)

Situated on the top of the foot, between the first and second toes, LV3 may improve circulation and boost immunity. It also helps calm the nervous system, which may alleviate stress and anxiety, balance emotions, and reduce insomnia.

The aim of targeting the LV3 pressure point is to spread Liver Qi and ensure its smooth flow, thus reducing stress and emotional factors that may aggravate eczema. It also clears heat from the Liver and Gallbladder channels, which can contribute to red, inflamed skin in eczema.


4. Spleen 6 (SP6)

SP6 can be found on the lower calf above the ankle, four fingers width above the ankle bone. This acupoint helps nourish Yin and Blood, addressing dryness and itchiness in eczema due to Yin deficiency. It also resolves dampness, which may present as weeping or oozing lesions in eczema.


5. Spleen 10 (SP10)

Located adjacent to the knee, SP 10 invigorates the Blood, addressing stagnation or poor circulation in the skin associated with eczema. This acupoint is also crucial in cooling Blood and clearing heat, which is vital in reducing inflammation and redness in eczema.


6. Stomach 36 (ST36)

ST36 (located four fingers width below the base on the kneecap) may help elevate overall well-being by alleviating depression and reducing pain. In addition, the acupoint helps clear dampness in the form of oozing or weeping lesions in eczema. It also strengthens Stomach Qi, crucial for nutrient distribution to the skin, and nourishes Blood to maintain skin health.

At the end of the day, the most important question is, “Can acupuncture be effective in treating eczema?”. Research into this topic has shown positive results that this treatment can aid in relieving symptoms. However, eczema patients should consult a TCM practitioner in Singapore to understand if acupuncture is suitable for treating their skin condition before undergoing treatment.

At Thomson Chinese Medicine, we understand that eczema can be an intense and uncomfortable skin condition to live with. But there is no need to let it take control of your life. Our TCM practitioners can work closely with you to develop a customised treatment plan based on your particular symptoms to help manage your condition and prevent painful flare-ups. Contact us to schedule an appointment with our physicians today.

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