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Stay Cool During Menopause with TCM

Hot flashes during menopause cause discomfort and can lower one's quality of life. Fortunately, menopause heat can be resolved with TCM. Learn more here.

Women's Health


Published on 23 Aug 2023


By Thomson Team

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Menopause is a natural phase all women go through, marking the end of their reproductive years. It brings about numerous physical and emotional changes, with hot flashes being one of the most common symptoms. These sudden and intense surges of heat can cause disruptions that lower one’s quality of life. Fortunately, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers solutions to alleviate menopausal heat. Want to find out how you can stay cool during these transition years? We share some TCM tips for menopause below.

Hot Flashes from a TCM Perspective

In TCM, symptoms associated with hot flashes during menopause are believed to be caused by imbalances within the body’s vital energy, or Qi, and the yin-yang harmony. According to TCM principles, when yin energy (the cooling, nourishing aspect of the human body) declines, the excess yang energy (the warming, active aspect) can lead to a surge in heat within the body, causing hot flashes and other heat-related issues.

Learn More: Slowing Down the Ageing Process During Menopause With TCM

How Can TCM Help With Hot Flashes?

1. Acupuncture

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Acupuncture is a powerful TCM technique used for promoting balance within the body’s energy and restoring equilibrium between yin and yang. It can effectively target the root causes of hot flashes to help you stay cool during menopause.

Skilled practitioners will stimulate specific points on your body that correspond to the imbalances to nourish yin and clear heat. This personalised approach tailors the treatment plan to your body, addressing not only hot flashes, but also aiding in the management of other symptoms you’re experiencing, such as night sweats, mood swings, and insomnia.

Physiologically, acupuncture can help cool you down by promoting blood vessel dilation, stimulating the release of endorphins, and regulating the hypothalamus, your body’s internal thermostat. A recent study at Wake Forest University found that acupuncture reduced hot flashes and night sweats by 47%, and for a smaller group, the benefit was almost doubled. Another study found that 80% of women receiving acupuncture for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms felt that the sessions had helped them after six weeks of treatment.

2. Gua Sha

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In recent years, gua sha has risen in popularity for its ability to reduce bloating and slim the face. But before it became a beauty method for achieving a sharper jawline, gua sha was first a traditional therapeutic technique used for pain relief and promoting circulation in the body.

To manage symptoms of hot flashes during menopause, a smooth-edged tool, often made from jade, is scraped over the skin gently in a specific manner. This scraping action promotes the movement of stagnant energy to dissipate excess heat caused by yin-yang imbalance.

3. Herbal Remedies

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Menopause originates from a Yin Deficiency in the Kidney, and comes accompanied with all the common symptoms one expects, including hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and mood swings. TCM herbal medicine which possesses properties that help tonify Kidney Yin and/or clear deficient heat can be used. They may also aid in achieving yin-yang balance during menopause, helping women find relief from hot flashes. Examples include Sheng Di Huang, Xuan Shen, Nu Zhen Zi.

  • Sheng Di Huang – Clears heat in the body to alleviate thirst, dryness and hot flashes.
  • Xuan Shen – Cooling herb that reduces excess heat in the body and nourishes Yin.
  • Nu Zhen Zi – Commonly used for women to gently cool the body and replenishes Qi and Blood.

Stay Cool and In Control During Menopause

TCM remedies are holistic and time-tested approaches that help ladies deal with menopause heat gracefully. By focusing on restoring balance within the body through natural methods, you can continue to experience life comfortably even as your body undergoes changes.

  • Eat Yin nourishing food – Food with high water content such as soups, bone broths and steamed vegetables are beneficial. Additionally, introduce more fresh vegetables such as alfalfa sprout, asparagus, mung bean sprout and cooling fruits like banana, watermelon, mulberry and asian pears into your diet.
  • Eat black-coloured food – The colour black is associated with the Kidney. To support the Kidney system, which is closely related to the reproductive system, try adding freshly grounded black sesame, black berries, chia seeds, seaweeds and kelp to your diet.
  • Sleep by 11pm – Fatigue during perimenopause can stem from a combination of factors, including fluctuating hormone levels and sleep disturbances. Sleeping early helps to preserve the Yin and prevent further depletion of this cooling and nourishing energy that is important for the management of menopausal symptoms.
  • Manage stress – According to TCM theory, imbalances in the Liver system is the root cause of many perimenopausal mood disturbances. To help the Liver thrive, get plenty of rest, engage in exercise, participate in relaxing activities like yoga, meditation or dancing, and join a community of like-minded individuals.

Harmonise your body’s internal energies with Thomson Chinese Medicine, a TCM clinic in Singapore. Our treatment modalities are designed to address your concerns according to your unique needs. Schedule an appointment with us here.

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