The Fire element, one of the TCM 5 elements, is associated with the Heart and its partner organ, Small Intestine. When it is unbalanced, you may experience:
- Anxiety, agitation, or disturbed sleep: This is because Heart governs blood circulation and houses the Spirit (mind). Excess heat in the Heart can disturb the mind.
- Excessive sweating: In TCM, perspiration is the “fluid” of the Heart. Sweat comes from body fluid and the Heart controls body fluids to some extent. If you experience constant excessive sweating without much exertion, it may be a sign of Heart Qi deficiency.
- Flushed face: Blood vessels are considered the tissues of the Heart. The skin has many blood vessels, therefore rashes and flushed red face may indicate excessive heat.
Acupuncture Tips
For Fire element, PC 6 Nei Guan and HT 7 Shen Men are commonly used acupoints. “PC” stands for pericardium, which refers to the sac that surrounds the heart and it is closely related to the Heart functions. When pressing the points, remember to:
- Apply firm and deep pressure
- Take long and deep breaths while pressing
- Set the intention and focus your energy on the point that you are pressing
- Press firmly for 15 seconds followed by 5 seconds release, and continue for about 5 minutes for each point
- Press on a regular basis as acupuncture works cumulatively

Lifestyle Tips
- Fire is related to BITTER: Bitter gourd, celery, green vegetables are good options. You’ll benefit from juicy fruits (watermelon) and vegetable (cucumber) to extinguish the fire. Make sure you take adequate liquid.
- Fire types can overheat easily. Hence, it’s important to replenish the Yin (water) and check Yang (fire) in check. Avoid spicy hot food and stimulants such as energy drinks and caffeine as they will deplete the Yin. Add Yin nourishing herbs such as Mai Dong, Yu Zhu, Lily bulbs, and Goji in your diet.
- Fire types become too scattered sometimes, making you feel anxious, nervous, or experience that “FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)” syndrome. Be mindful of that.
- Try to plan ahead and prioritize just a few important things every day. Set regular schedules and regular meals too.
Looking to improve your lifestyle with help from TCM? Contact our TCM clinic in Singapore today to find out more.
Physician Seah Ai Wei
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Thomson Chinese Medicine (TCM Novena Specialist Centre)
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Alliance MediNet