fbpixelProvision RFP - Request for Proposal for Managed Service Provider to manage and deploy locum doctors to Thomson 24-HR Urgent Care Centre at Thomson Medical Pte Ltd | Thomson Medical

Provision RFP - Request for Proposal for Managed Service Provider to manage and deploy locum doctors to Thomson 24-HR Urgent Care Centre at Thomson Medical Pte Ltd

Thomson 24-HR Urgent Care Centre (UCC)
05 Jul 2024 by 1:00 am +00:00 UTC
05 Jul 2024, 1:00 am +00:00 UTC
18 Jul 2024, 3:00 am +00:00 UTC
e-submission to [email protected]
16 Aug 2024, 3:00 am +00:00 UTC
01 Sep 2024
2-years + optional 2-years extension

The Service Provider will manage the creditability of the locum doctors (“Medical Practitioner”) in accordance with the requirement at Thomson 24-HR Urgent Care Centre. The scope of services for the locum pool of doctors includes the following:

i) Assign a Medical Director (MD) to assume the responsibility in accordance with the Private Hospitals & Medical Clinics (PHMC) Act.

ii) Provision of training for the pool of Medical Practitioner.

iii) Has a valid Singapore Neonatal Resuscitation Certification (SNRC), Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certification (ACLS) and Basic Cardiac Life Support Certification (BCLS). Training can be arranged by Thomson Medical (Twice a year), however the cost will be borne by provider.

iv) Has a valid Singapore Medical Council Certification registered under the Medical Registration Act (Chapter 174).

v) Has a valid Certificate of Insurance.

vi) Fully vaccinated for COVID 19, MMR & TDAP.

vii) In compliance to the Conflict-of-Interest Policy under Thomson Medical Pte Ltd.

viii) Shall see all patients at the clinics assigned and to refer all patients to TMC or subsidiaries of the Thomson Medical Group when hospitalization, day surgery, and other outpatient medical and ancillary services are required unless TMPL and related entities do not have the necessary facility to perform such operations. “Patients” shall mean patients referred by any entities in the Thomson Medical Group (“TMG”), walk-in patients to the clinics, patients who seek the services of our clinics through other means including but not limited to telemedicine and social media and patients referred by patients. TMPL reserves the right to recover any loss of revenue in the event of the breach of this Clause by the Medical Practitioner.

ix) The Medical Practitioner shall declare to TMPL when the circumstance requires, any conflict of interests. TMPL shall have the sole discretion to terminate this contract if deems any conflict of interest may be or is prejudicial to the interests of TMPL.

x) The Medical Practitioner shall at all times be responsible for his own professional indemnity coverage, insurance, personal income tax to the relevant authority, and contributions to the Central Provident Fund Board.

xi) The Medical Practitioner shall keep all patient records that are usually or should be keep by persons engaged in medical practice, including a proper record of attendance on a patient and of the treatment prescribed or advised with any other action taken, and/or policy of any competent authority and/or the Singapore Medical Council and the Singapore Medical Association. All patient records of patients seen at TMPL remain the property of TMPL and shall not be removed from TMPL without its written approval.

xii) All information in relation to the Customer’s business, operation, financing, or clientele is strictly confidential. The Medical Practitioner shall at no time (either during or after cessation of the Agreement with the Company), directly or indirectly disclose, divulge, authorize, or permit to be disclosed to anyone not properly entitled thereto, such confidential information to any person, firm or corporate body, whatever or otherwise make use of such confidential information.

xiii) The Medical Practitioner shall have no rights nor claims whatsoever against the Company except the terms of this Agreement. For avoidance of doubt, as this is an Agreement for Service, no Central Provident Funds (“CPF”) contributions will be deducted from the locum fee paid to the Service Provider under this Agreement and the Customer shall not make any CPF contributions to the Medical Practitioner in respect of the locum fee paid under this Agreement.

xiv) Third party rights: Save as expressly provided in this Agreement, a person who is not a party to this Agreement has no right under the Agreement (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2001 (No 39 of 2001) of Singapore to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any term of this Agreement.

xv) The name “Thomson”, “Thomson 24-HR Urgent Care Centre” and “Thomson Medical Centre” and the goodwill of the Customer shall at all times be and remain the property of the Customer exclusively.

1) Tenderer's Background information

2) Tenderer's Track Records in the past three (3) years

It is mandatory for interested vendors to submit and endorsed a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) as attached (under Attachment) before actual tender documents is distributed. You can send your signed NDA to [email protected]. Upon receiving the signed copy of NDA and internal background checks, we will forward to you the actual tender documents (SOW, Specs, Diagrams (if any), etc…) through email.
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