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Common Baby Rashes & Skin Conditions

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  • Diaper Rash
  • Pimples
  • Cradle Cap
  • Prickly Heat
  • Eczema
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Skin conditions in babies and toddlers

Babies are prone to rashes, but the good news is that most of these rashes are harmless and will go away on their own.

To ease any anxiety, it is important to recognise some of the common skin conditions in toddlers and learn how to manage them. Below we'll discuss the common skin conditions in babies and toddlers, what they are, their causes, and how to manage and treat such conditions.

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Condition #1: Diaper rash

Most diaper rashes occur because of skin irritation due to diapers that are too tight, wet diapers left on for too long, or reactions to a particular brand of detergent, diapers, or baby wipes. The skin can become very red and inflamed, leading to itching and irritation.

To avoid diaper rashes, keep the diaper area exposed to air as much as possible, change your baby’s diaper as soon as it is wet, wash the area with a warm cloth, and apply zinc oxide cream.

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Condition #2: Pimples, whiteheads and milia

Pimples and whiteheads

Babies can actually develop acne on the face, because of the exposure to mum’s hormones. This causes oil production in the facial glands and can result in clogging of the openings.

Pimples on baby’s nose and cheeks usually clear up by themselves in a few weeks. If the pimples are very large or extensive, topical agents can be used for a short period of time until the pimples subside.

You should see your doctor if the toddler’s acne does not go away after a few weeks, and continues to persist for months. This is unusual and may occasionally indicate an underlying medical issue.


Half of all newborns get the little white bumps known as milia. These usually appear on the nose and cheeks and can look a bit like acne. They are caused by skin flakes blocking oil glands, trapping the contents within. As the baby’s glands open up over a few days or weeks, the bumps will disappear, and no treatment is needed.

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Condition #3: Cradle cap

Cradle cap can show up during baby’s first or second month, it usually clears up within the first year. It is also called Seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Cradle cap is caused by excess oil and shows up as a scaly, waxy, red rash on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, the sides of the nose, or behind the ears.

Gentle shampoos, and the use of olive oil to dislodge some of the stuck on dead skin usually suffice.

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Condition #4: Prickly heat

Showing up as small pinkish-red bumps, prickly heat usually appears on the parts of your baby’s body that are prone to sweating, like the neck, diaper area, armpits, and skin folds. A cool, dry environment, and loose-fitting clothes are all you need to treat prickly heat rash.

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Condition #5: Atopic eczema

Atopic eczema is the most common skin condition affecting babies and children. It is due to inflammation within the skin, often with a genetic predisposition, meaning one or both parents may have a history of eczema, asthma, or allergic rhinitis.


Babies with eczema have dry skin, and when eczema flares up, it causes a red, itchy rash to appear on various parts of the body, including the cheeks and skin folds. In toddlers, it also commonly causes fissures or tiny cuts at the base of the earlobes.

When eczema flares, it can look oozy and have a wet appearance. When it is more chronic, the skin appears dry and can be thickened.

If you suspect that your baby is suffering from eczema, book an appointment with your doctor to get the correct diagnosis and treatment.


We recommend using moisturizers and non-soap cleansers daily. Antihistamines may be given when required to relieve itching, and topical steroids may need to be applied to the red and rough areas until the rash clears.

Although there may be some concern about possible side effects of topical steroids, in most cases, they are very safe and effective, provided the appropriate strength is prescribed and instructions are followed.

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Suspect your child has any of the above skin conditions?

Enquire now for more information, or make an appointment today with our dermatologist.

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